求生一加一 第一季 (2010)
简介 Dual Survival is a documentary television series on the Discovery Channel produced by Original Media.The program follows two survivalists showcasing contrasting wilderness survival skills: Cody Lundin
, a minimalist and primitive skills expert, and Dave Canterbury, a military-style survival expert and professional hunting guide and tracker, whose fame was generated from survival videos on YouTube.The second season of the series premiered on the Discovery Channel on April 22, 2011.As of June 28, 2011, the series has been renewed for a third season, however the third season has not yet started pr...
看完第一季了,开始第二季。 比贝爷的荒野求生秘笈更实用。 光脚汉专注原始生存技能,这是最难得的。
感想:Cody Lundin是个傻逼。
光脚 你NB!
特种兵:你来非洲竟然不穿鞋(他总是怪队友不穿鞋) 求生专家:那有什么,非洲有一半的人都不穿鞋。
这俩胖子 真恶心