简介 雅迪是一名做笼子的手艺人,他独自住在小房子的阁楼里,驯养着一些鸟。 年轻的蒙古小男孩很喜欢这些鸟,但是雅迪从不让他靠近它们。 直到有一天,雅迪意外地被困在自己的阁楼里,这使得小男孩有了千载难逢的机会...... Yadi is a cage maker and he live alone in up of the roof in his cabin. He train some birds. Yo
ung Mongolian boy loves Yadi’s birds but Yadi keep him away from the birds. Finally one day he was being held in his cabin, during the challenge with the boy… 贾拉尔•赛帕纳生于1966年,伊朗人。他于1991年获得戏剧学院的表演学位,1993年又获得了青年电影学院的电影学位。现担任伊朗电影部的助理导演和项目官员。 Jalal Saed Panahi, born in 1966, Iranian. Diploma of Actor in theater dep...