简介 新疆維族兄弟艾達爾、希來力與夥伴薩達姆迷上了極限運動―跑酷,他們的母親為此愁眉不展。跑酷大賽在即,他們費盡波折訓練,四處籌集旅費,一次次失敗接踵而來;無奈之中薩達姆甚至也行上千里,向離異的父母求援。希來力和薩達姆終於來到北京,之前兩人信心滿滿,但上場後卻緊張至極,比賽的失手讓他們發現了真實的自己… Two Uigur brothers and a friend are in love with p
arkour, a kind of extreme sport. Regardless of opposition from their worried mothers, the boys train themselves to be the best in an upcoming parkour event in Beijing while managing to iron out additional difficulties. When they lost the game eventually, they learned much more about their true selves. 获奖情况: 2013年 獲得上海电视节最佳中国纪录片