吉米·鸡毛逊毙了!马达翻身当主持 (2013)
简介 This episode, better known as "Jimmy Kimmel Sucks" has Matt Damon kidnapping Jimmy and hijacking his show, where he proceeds to fire Guillermo and Cleto, replacing them with Andy Garcia and
Sheryl Crow. Then he hires Robin Williams to do the opening monologue, gets kudos and congratulations from a number of celebrities and Jimmy's parents, who adopt Matt as "the son they really wanted". We are then shown Jimmy's attempts to audition, horribly, for every role Matt ever played. Many big-name celebrities make guest appearances on this show, including Jimmy's ex-...
I am fucking Matt Damon!Matt:She is fucking Matt Damon! (ง •̀_•́)ง再配上Jimmy:I am fucking Ben Affleck!Ben:He is fucking Ben Affleck!……这集的阵容真是炸了无数奥斯卡提名
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 Kimmel跟MD的較量 是三年之後又三年 三年之後又三年 永遠玩不膩的梗
666!被kimmel放了12年的飞机,马特达蒙终于翻身了,请了好多大牌来黑一下。妮可:他太恶心我不敢上这个节目。本:我不能 天啊他可是吉米QAQ。想起了之前的fucking ben affleck。还有和老婆一起睡吉米的时候><。达蒙:但是他不够我爱你!!!!
看到Robin Williams老爷子感觉心里好紧;MD和BA好像一点也不介意被绑在一起,15年又做了一期MD和JK go to Couples Therapy也是好好笑。Kimmel确实很可爱,比Fallon强不知哪里去了,从SNL我就get不到Fallon的笑点,他的节目也是假空得看不下去
竟然有这一集的条目www 恩怨情仇系列必须都是10分啊!致如此有娱乐精神的达萌和大本。