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  • 翻个墙 (2011)

    • 上映时间:
    • 2011年05月26日
    简介 總是被困在教室裡的國中女孩霈霈,與常常不見人影的男孩陳以翔,雖然在同一間教室上課,卻是兩個世界的人。 一次,在比賽落敗而自責萬分的霈霈,卻因為以翔的安慰,得以爬出學校圍牆,享受另一個從未體驗過的世界。 青春壓抑與焦慮的霈霈,內心不被允許說出的聲音噪動不安,找不到發泄的出口;牆外的世界真有如想像中的美好?陷入迷惘的霈霈,翻過牆可以找得到路嗎? Pei-pei is a junior high gir l, who is often trapped in the classroom with Yi-shian, a boy hardly seen. Though they are in the same classroom, they are in two different worlds. One day, a failure in competition makes Pei-pei feeling awful. Through Yi-shain’s encouragement, she climes over school’s fence to explore a new world. Pei-pei had a hard time to keep calm because ...