告别圆明园 (1995)
简介 圆明园画家村是中国第一个有艺术家聚居现象的村庄,这在中国是史无前例的一种自由生活的象征。从1989年末至1995年,在这里居住的画家,诗人,乐手达四五百人,1995年夏天开始,警察以国家安全的名义大量拘捕驱散生活在这里的艺术家们。 在冬天来临之际,这个充满幻想和激情的“画家村”被彻底瓦解。本片纪录了这一段令人伤心的日子。 Beijing’s Yuanmingyuan Artists’ Villag
e (1989-1995) was the first truly spontaneous grassroots art commune in China. Home to over 500 painters, poets and musicians at its height, it represented a level of personal and artistic freedom unprecedented in Socialist China. In the summer of 1995, Beijing police – citing “security concerns” – launched a series of raids and arrests designed to drive the artists out of the Yuanmingy...