普京之吻 (2012)
简介 Nashi是一个受到俄罗斯政府领导,势力很大的青年组织,支持现有的政治体系,并阻止各种反对势力的颠覆。Masha加入Nashi后很快做到了其发言人的位置,当她接触到国内自由主义记者后她开始感到迷惑,对自己的选择产生了质疑。该片以这个女孩的生活展示了充满各种差异对立,复杂的当代俄罗斯。 Nashi is an increasingly popular political youth organiza
tion in Russia with direct ties to the Kremlin. Officially, its goal is to support the current political system by creating a future elite among the brightest and most loyal Russian teenagers. But the organization also works to prevent the political opposition from spreading their views among young people. After joining Nashi at the age of 15, Masha Drokova moves to the very ...